Holiday Schedule


Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Sep 24 405'6 406'4 394'0 394'6 -11'4 394'4s 07/26 Chart for @C4U Options for @C4U
Dec 24 421'0 421'6 409'2 410'0 -10'6 410'0s 07/26 Chart for @C4Z Options for @C4Z
Mar 25 435'2 436'0 424'2 424'6 -10'6 424'4s 07/26 Chart for @C5H Options for @C5H
May 25 445'2 446'0 434'6 435'2 -10'4 435'0s 07/26 Chart for @C5K Options for @C5K
Jul 25 452'2 453'2 442'2 442'6 -9'6 442'6s 07/26 Chart for @C5N Options for @C5N
Sep 25 454'0 454'0 445'0 445'4 -8'6 445'2s 07/26 Chart for @C5U Options for @C5U
Dec 25 459'0 460'0 451'6 452'2 -7'4 452'2s 07/26 Chart for @C5Z Options for @C5Z
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 3524 3548 3493 3514 9 3533s 07/26 Chart for @SM4Q Options for @SM4Q
Sep 24 3343 3360 3298 3328 1 3343s 07/26 Chart for @SM4U Options for @SM4U
Oct 24 3266 3266 3203 3223 - 34 3232s 07/26 Chart for @SM4V Options for @SM4V
Dec 24 3292 3297 3221 3240 - 45 3247s 07/26 Chart for @SM4Z Options for @SM4Z
Jan 25 3299 3301 3227 3244 - 45 3254s 07/26 Chart for @SM5F Options for @SM5F
Mar 25 3307 3307 3240 3256 - 42 3265s 07/26 Chart for @SM5H Options for @SM5H
May 25 3327 3327 3261 3281 - 38 3288s 07/26 Chart for @SM5K Options for @SM5K
Jul 25 3365 3365 3291 3316 - 36 3320s 07/26 Chart for @SM5N Options for @SM5N
Aug 25 3352 3356 3310 3328 - 34 3327s 07/26 Chart for @SM5Q Options for @SM5Q
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 1113'2 1117'2 1071'4 1071'6 -38'4 1077'4s 07/26 Chart for @S4Q Options for @S4Q
Sep 24 1068'6 1075'6 1038'6 1040'2 -32'4 1042'0s 07/26 Chart for @S4U Options for @S4U
Nov 24 1077'6 1080'4 1045'0 1046'4 -31'0 1048'4s 07/26 Chart for @S4X Options for @S4X
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Jul 24 19.83 19.85 19.82 19.85 -0.01 19.83s 07/26 Chart for @DA4N Options for @DA4N
Aug 24 20.34 20.46 20.23 20.41 0.13 20.36s 07/26 Chart for @DA4Q Options for @DA4Q
Sep 24 21.29 21.47 21.16 21.39 0.23 21.40s 07/26 Chart for @DA4U Options for @DA4U
Oct 24 21.15 21.28 21.09 21.26 0.21 21.24s 07/26 Chart for @DA4V Options for @DA4V
Nov 24 20.42 20.50 20.38 20.48 0.19 20.47s 07/26 Chart for @DA4X Options for @DA4X
Dec 24 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 0.03 19.69s 07/26 Chart for @DA4Z Options for @DA4Z
Jan 25 18.94 19.00 18.94 19.00 0.10 19.00s 07/26 Chart for @DA5F Options for @DA5F
Feb 25 18.53 18.68 18.53 18.64 0.18 18.67s 07/26 Chart for @DA5G Options for @DA5G
Mar 25 18.45 18.50 18.45 18.50 0.12 18.50s 07/26 Chart for @DA5H Options for @DA5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 0.724350 0.724450 0.723050 0.723450 -0.000800 0.723150s 07/26 Chart for @CD4Q Options for @CD4Q
Sep 24 0.724350 0.725300 0.723100 0.723800 -0.000800 0.723750s 07/26 Chart for @CD4U Options for @CD4U
Oct 24 0.725500 0.725550 0.724200 0.724200 -0.000800 0.724300s 07/26 Chart for @CD4V Options for @CD4V
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Jan 30 Chart for @FC0F Options for @FC0F
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 189.000 189.325 188.250 188.525 - 0.325 188.575s 07/26 Chart for @LE4Q Options for @LE4Q
Oct 24 188.600 189.025 187.900 188.500 - 0.050 188.550s 07/26 Chart for @LE4V Options for @LE4V
Dec 24 188.900 189.400 188.525 189.125 0.400 189.300s 07/26 Chart for @LE4Z Options for @LE4Z
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Jan 30 Chart for @+DJ0F Options for @+DJ0F
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Jan 30 Chart for @SP0F Options for @SP0F
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 2.161 2.161s 07/26 Chart for @AC4Q Options for @AC4Q
Sep 24 2.161 2.161s 07/26 Chart for @AC4U Options for @AC4U
Oct 24 2.161 2.161s 07/26 Chart for @AC4V Options for @AC4V
My Custom Markets
Symbol Open High Low Last Change Close Time More


DTN Market News
DTN Weekly DDG Prices Mixed, But Lower on Average
DTN Early Word Grains 07/26 05:46
DTN Midday Grain Comments 07/26 10:46
DTN Closing Grain Comments 07/26 13:55
DTN Cattle Close/Trends 07/26 17:45
DTN Early Word Livestock Comments 07/26 06:21
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 07/26 11:43
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 07/26 15:38
DTN Chart Technical Points 07/26 16:30
US Direct Feeder Pigs

Headline News
Harris Tries to Thread Needle on Gaza 07/26 06:11
G20 Discusses Global Tax on Super-Rich 07/26 06:23
Blinken to Fete Biden, Reassure Allies 07/26 06:05
Netanyahu, Trump to Meet at Mar-a-Lago 07/26 06:16
Kagan: Need Way to Enforce Ethics Code 07/26 06:21
US Arrests Heads of Sinaloa Cartel 07/26 06:10
SE Asian Diplomats Meet With China 07/26 06:14
Wall Street Rallies Friday 07/26 09:35

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Middlebury, VT
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Temp: 68oF Feels Like: 68oF
Humid: 71% Dew Pt: 58oF
Barom: 30.18 Wind Dir: SW
Cond: N/A Wind Spd: 3 mph
Sunrise: 5:36 Sunset: 8:21
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Exchange:  CBOT
Last Trade:  394'6
Change:  -11'4
Bid:  394'4
Ask:  394'4
Today's High:  406'4
Today's Low:  394'0
Volume:  128,935
Open:  405'6
Settle:  394'4s
Prev:  406'0
Contract High: 
Contract Low: 
Updated:  Jul-26-2024
Delay Time:  10 Minutes

Commodity Quotes
Commodity Last Chg
CORN (@C4U) 394'6 -11'4
CORN (@C4Z) 410'0 -10'6
CORN (@C5H) 424'6 -10'6
CORN (@C5K) 435'2 -10'4
CORN (@C5N) 442'6 -9'6
CORN (@C5U) 445'4 -8'6
CORN (@C5Z) 452'2 -7'4
SOYBEAN MEAL (@SM4V) 3223 - 34
SOYBEAN MEAL (@SM4Z) 3240 - 45
SOYBEAN MEAL (@SM5F) 3244 - 45
SOYBEAN MEAL (@SM5H) 3256 - 42
SOYBEAN MEAL (@SM5K) 3281 - 38
SOYBEAN MEAL (@SM5N) 3316 - 36
SOYBEAN MEAL (@SM5Q) 3328 - 34
SOYBEANS (@S4Q) 1071'6 -38'4
SOYBEANS (@S4U) 1040'2 -32'4
SOYBEANS (@S4X) 1046'4 -31'0
MILK CLASS III (@DA4N) 19.85 -0.01
MILK CLASS III (@DA4Q) 20.41 0.13
MILK CLASS III (@DA4U) 21.39 0.23
MILK CLASS III (@DA4V) 21.26 0.21
MILK CLASS III (@DA4X) 20.48 0.19
MILK CLASS III (@DA4Z) 19.69 0.03
MILK CLASS III (@DA5F) 19.00 0.10
MILK CLASS III (@DA5G) 18.64 0.18
MILK CLASS III (@DA5H) 18.50 0.12
CANADIAN DOLLAR (@CD4Q) 0.723450 -0.000800
CANADIAN DOLLAR (@CD4U) 0.723800 -0.000800
CANADIAN DOLLAR (@CD4V) 0.724200 -0.000800
@FCF0 (@FC0F)
LIVE CATTLE (@LE4Q) 188.525 - 0.325
LIVE CATTLE (@LE4V) 188.500 - 0.050
LIVE CATTLE (@LE4Z) 189.125 0.400
@+DJF0 (@+DJ0F)
@SPF0 (@SP0F)
ETHANOL (@AC4Q) 2.161
ETHANOL (@AC4U) 2.161
ETHANOL (@AC4V) 2.161



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